Many times when I meet with clients and the subject turns to font selection, I will hear, "there are too many choices! I don't care, just pick something that looks nice." But the typefaces you choose really do make a difference. Careful consideration of this seemingly minute detail will make a huge difference in the overall impression you are giving your guests about your event.
Consider these four examples and what they say about Jim and Pam's wedding. (Can you tell I'm dying for The Office to start?) These invitations are identical in wording, but look at the style and you can see what they really say:

{ This one says "fancy schmancy traditional". As Michael Scott would say, "get your hair did." I realize the all cursive is still largely popular, but I often advise against it as it can be difficult to read. }

{ This one is nice because it combines two typefaces that are traditional, pretty and easy to read. You are still leaving an impression of formality with guests without angry phone calls from Grandma saying she can't read your invitation. But she might be bummed to discover the reception is in a warehouse. }

{ I love messing around with the same typeface in different ways. In this case, I'm using the same font, but one is Light and one is Block. Reverse out the names for a dramatic mod effect. Using more contemporary styles does not necessarily mean a less formal impression. If it fits the style of your event or the architecture of your venue, go for it. }

{ This would be great for a less formal affair. Maybe they've decorated the warehouse with tiki torches and will serve fruity cocktails. Perhaps it's better for a beach wedding at Lake Scranton. Either way, the lowercase lettering combined with a retro style font lends to a more playful vibe. }
So in the process of making the 687th decision of the wedding planning process, don't forget your fonts!
I love this, one because I'm so picky about fonts and two because The Office is one of my favorite shows. I hope someday we'll get to see Jim and Pam tie the knot.
Hooray for another Office lover!
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